Legal Notice

Editorial information

The site is proposed by the Campus Cyber
Temporarily located at Orange Cyberdefense
54 place de l’Ellipse
92000 Nanterre
E-mail: communication [at]

Director of the publication of the website content: Michel Van Den Berghe, prefigurator of Campus Cyber.
The editorial design, monitoring, technical maintenance and updates of the website are provided by Orange Cyberdefense services.


The hosting of the website is provided by OVH,
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Hypertext links

Hypertext links to the home page of the Campus Cyber website or one of its sections are authorized.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, links pointing to content whose distribution and reproduction are permitted under the paragraph “intellectual property” are authorized.

Furthermore, the pages of the Campus Cyber website must not be framed within the pages of another website.
In any case, the establishment of a link to the Campus Cyber site does not constitute an approval by Campus Cyber of the content of the site establishing the link.

Intellectual Property

Content Protection
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the content on the Campus website is covered by the Creative commons Attr. license.
In general, any use of a name or logo protected by trademark law requires the agreement of its owner.
In particular, the Campus Cyber logo is protected by a trademark registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property. Any use of this logotype is subject to prior authorization from Campus Cyber.
In any case, the reproduction or modification of all or part of the content of the Campus Cyber site on any medium does not constitute approval by Campus Cyber of that medium.
Request for authorization
Where applicable, requests for authorization to reproduce or represent content must first be addressed to Campus Cyber, by writing to the following address:
communication [at]
The request must specify the content in question as well as the context of intended use (media concerned, period, recipients, etc.).

Processing of personal data (Privacy policy)

When using the Campus Cyber site (hereinafter the “Site”), the user (hereinafter the “User”) may transmit personal data to Campus Cyber (hereinafter the “Campus”) when using the contact form. The data controller in this respect is Michel van Den Berghe, the forerunner of the Campus Cyber.
Any use of the site, and in particular any use of the contact form implies acceptance of this paragraph on the processing of personal data (hereinafter the “Privacy Policy”).
Mandatory fields are indicated in the contact form. The Campus, as the data controller, undertakes to ensure that the collection and processing of the User’s personal data is carried out in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) (“GDPR”) and the amended Data Protection Act of 1978 (“LIL”).
This collection of information is limited to what is necessary to process the request, in accordance with the principle of data minimization. The definitions provided in article 4 of the RGPD are applicable hereto.

1. Subject

The Privacy Policy defines the rules applicable to the collection and processing of the User’s personal data when browsing the Site and using the contact form.
The Campus is free to modify the Privacy Policy at any time, in particular to take into account any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential and technical developments. The prevailing version is the one accessible online at the following address:é.

2. Identity and contact details of the data controller

The person responsible for processing the personal data that the User transmits when registering on the Site or during the entire recruitment process is Michel van Den Berghe, the prefigurator of the Campus cyber.

3. Legal basis of the processing

The legal basis of the processing is article 6 1. a) of the GDPR, i.e. the User’s consent. Indeed, when using the contact form, the User consents to the collection of his personal data by ticking online the box accepting the Privacy Policy included in the Site’s legal notices, which he declares to have read.

4. Personal data collected

A. Data that the User communicates to the Campus

By submitting a contact form, the User communicates to the Campus his or her first and last name, as well as an e-mail address, company, and the status of this company in order for his or her request to be processed.
By using the contact form and the Site, the User agrees not to disclose personal information, in particular personal data of third parties without their consent, nor to make illicit comments or content, and in particular any content that is counterfeit, defamatory, insulting, insulting, obscene, offensive, discriminatory, violent, xenophobic, inciting racial hatred or advocating terrorism; or any other content that is contrary to applicable laws and regulations as well as to morality and decency.

B. Cookie

The Site only uses an audience cookie (Google Analytics) in order to allow the proper functioning and improvement of this site. This cookie is strictly necessary for the provision of the services of the Site expressly requested by the User, the latter may not object to it in accordance with Article 82 of the LIL.

Third party sites (notably Youtube) are also likely to use cookies. They use it in accordance with their own privacy policy.

Translated with (free version)

5. Purposes of processing

The personal data collected from the User is for the purpose of processing the request transmitted via the contact form.

6. Storage period of the personal data provided by the User

The Campus undertakes to keep the personal data communicated to it by the User only for the time strictly necessary for processing according to the aforementioned purposes, and in any case within the limits imposed by law. Also, depending on the type of personal data, the retention period may not exceed 12 months.
The Campus undertakes to delete the User’s personal data from the Site’s databases at the end of the periods mentioned.

7. Recipients of personal data

The recipients of the User’s personal data are the personnel involved in the management of the Cyber Campus, namely :
– Orange Cyberdefense teams, in particular its communication department ;
– the teams in charge of setting up the Cyber Campus within the National Agency for Information Systems Security.

8. Subcontracting and transfer of personal data

The User’s personal data is for internal use by the services in charge of the Campus. It is strictly confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties, unless the User has given his or her express consent or if he or she has decided to make it public.

In the event of communication of the User’s personal data to a third party, regardless of its quality, the Campus will first ensure that the latter is bound to apply confidentiality conditions that provide at least the same level of guarantees as its own.

The Campus undertakes to (i) ensure that any subcontractor presents sufficient and appropriate contractual guarantees to respect the User’s rights, so that the processing meets the requirements of the DPSP, and (ii) to comply with the provisions of the DPSP applicable to data transfers.

On the basis of legal obligations, the User’s personal data may be disclosed pursuant to a law, regulation or decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority.

9. Security of personal data

The Campus implements all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and conformity of the processing of personal data, as well as the confidentiality of such data.

In this respect, the Campus takes all useful precautions on the Site (in particular data encryption), with regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented by the Site, in order to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

10. Rights of the User

In accordance with the European regulations in force, the User has the following rights:
– right of access (article 15 of the RGPD), rectification, updating and completion of his data (article 16 of the RGPD);
– the right to erase his data under the conditions provided for in article 17 of the RGPD. The exercise of the right to delete data by the User will result in the deletion of his account and any applications submitted;
– the right to limit the processing of his/her data (article 18 of the RGPD);
– right to the portability of the data he has provided (article 20 of the RGPD).
Users may exercise their rights by contacting the Campus :
-By e-mail at the following address: contact.rgpd[at]
-By postal mail at the following address :

Data Protection Officer  – Campus Cyber
At Orange Cyberdefense
54 place de l’Ellipse
92000 Nanterre

In this case, the User must specify which data are concerned by his request and prove his identity (provide a copy of an identity document). Moreover, as soon as the Campus becomes aware of the death of a User, it undertakes to destroy his or her data, unless its retention proves necessary to meet a legal obligation.
If the User considers, after having contacted the Campus, that the rights to his or her data have not been respected, he or she may file a complaint with the CNIL.

See the CNIL website for more information on the User’s rights.